Help! The Super-Mutant Lice Are Coming!!!!!!

  The issue of so-called "super lice" has recently been dominating the headlines. People have been writing about the critters being resistant to the over the counter products and prescriptions and only responding to certain prescriptions. Well folks...this is nothing new. This is old news. We have been saying this for years. Things have become [...]


National Head Lice Prevention Month

  September is here and yes, you know what that means! It is the start of National Head Lice Prevention Month. While school is back in session, the head lice are back in full force as well and happily invading our children's heads and making their new claims on new homes. The National Pediculosis Association [...]


“The Deceptive Dozen”: The National Pediculosis Association Offers 12 Important Tips to Help Parents Avoid Misleading Information on Head Lice Twelve of the most commonly made statements about head lice that mislead parents, require fact-checking and put child health and wellness at unnecessary risk.

Below is a press release just released today by the National Pediculosis Association (National Head Lice Association) targeted to help parents avoid misleading information on Head Lice: "The reward is an environment of mutual assurance that everyone is doing the best that they can for the health of their children and their community."   Boston, [...]


The “No-Nit Policy” And All It’s Buzz

You may have heard recently in the news that many schools all over the country, including here in Montgomery County, as well as the surrounding counties, are abandoning the "no-nit" policy. Basically, this means, that children  are allowed to come back to school once they have been treated for lice, although they may have a [...]



To quote something I read in an article a few months back, "LICE stands for L for Lice, I for Information, C for Control and E for Education." I could not have said it better myself. September is head lice prevention month. Since most kids are back to school and will be as of next [...]


Interesting article I thought one should read

With the start of every new school year comes a whole list of new concerns. Who is going to be in your child's class, counting the days until your child comes down with the latest illness that requires you to take a day off of work and some of the biggest fears out there.....lice. With [...]


Having an “itch free” year in the school year ahead

It is one of those things that no parent wants to deal with. There is no avoiding the fact that every year, every school system and community has to face the dreaded problem of lice.  As we embark on a new school year, Health and Wellness experts recommend some preventative measures to hopefully reduce the number [...]

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