Nothin’ Better Than a Comb!

There are numerous products available to us today both over-the-counter and by prescription that claim to kill head lice and /or to kill the nits. The truth is,  none of them are 100% effective. This results in parents using too much of the chemical treatments or using the chemical treatments too often. That is why [...]


The “little” bug with so much power!

Who knew, that a tiny little bug, barely visible at times with the naked eye, could cause so much anxiety and mental anguish? What is this critter that can do all this? This critter is none other than...a louse (singular for lice). We receive daily phone calls from families, experiencing all kinds of craziness in [...]


How can I be sure that all of the lice are gone?

Once your children have been treated for lice, they are safe to return to school. After you have taken the time to either rid the problem yourself or hired someone to help you with it, you want to make sure that all of the lice are gone. Getting rid of lice is a process and [...]

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