Help! The Super-Mutant Lice Are Coming!!!!!!

  The issue of so-called "super lice" has recently been dominating the headlines. People have been writing about the critters being resistant to the over the counter products and prescriptions and only responding to certain prescriptions. Well folks...this is nothing new. This is old news. We have been saying this for years. Things have become [...]


Nothin’ Better Than a Comb!

There are numerous products available to us today both over-the-counter and by prescription that claim to kill head lice and /or to kill the nits. The truth is,  none of them are 100% effective. This results in parents using too much of the chemical treatments or using the chemical treatments too often. That is why [...]


Summer Camp and Lice Treatment Policies

  The school year is over-Hooray! Summer is here! The time for fun, relaxation and for a lot of kids, this means time for summer camp. Summer camps are committed to the well being and safety of all members in their camp community. Over the past several years, camps across the region have seen a [...]


The “little” bug with so much power!

Who knew, that a tiny little bug, barely visible at times with the naked eye, could cause so much anxiety and mental anguish? What is this critter that can do all this? This critter is none other than...a louse (singular for lice). We receive daily phone calls from families, experiencing all kinds of craziness in [...]


Rome was not built in a day!

At Potomac Lice Lady, we receive tons of calls each and every day from frantic parents who have learned that their children contracted lice. Some display more anxiety than others and it is our job not only to help in eradicating the lice but to educate as well. What most parents want to know when [...]


Do I need a prescription? Hmm…that is a good question.

When parents call me due to their children having lice, I am bombarded with questions. They want to know what to do first, what to use, what not to use, what to do with the house, the clothes, when they can get an appointment and....should they contact their pediatrician or doctor to get a prescription [...]


Myths and Truths About Lice

Common Myths About Head Lice Myth: Lice "jump" from child to child.Truth: Lice cannot leap. Lice are transferred by contact, either directly or through another device (such as a comb, hat, furniture and or bedding). Myth: I should use a pesticide on every surface of my house if my child has lice. Truth: Off of [...]


Informing your Community

There is nothing to be emabarrassed about if you or someone in your family has lice. Informing your community is probably one of the most important steps in getting rid of the lice and preventing further re-infestation. People are often very hesitant to tell others for the fear of isolation or embarrassment. However, if you [...]

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