The “little” bug with so much power!

Who knew, that a tiny little bug, barely visible at times with the naked eye, could cause so much anxiety and mental anguish? What is this critter that can do all this? This critter is none other than...a louse (singular for lice). We receive daily phone calls from families, experiencing all kinds of craziness in [...]


Mistaken Advice When it Comes to Lice

When it comes to lice, everyone who has ever had it before always seem to have something to say about it. Whether it is a tip they suggest or the best treatment ever; more often than none, you probably have been given lots and lots of advice. You probably have also done tons and tons [...]


How can I be sure that all of the lice are gone?

Once your children have been treated for lice, they are safe to return to school. After you have taken the time to either rid the problem yourself or hired someone to help you with it, you want to make sure that all of the lice are gone. Getting rid of lice is a process and [...]


Myths and Truths About Lice

Common Myths About Head Lice Myth: Lice "jump" from child to child.Truth: Lice cannot leap. Lice are transferred by contact, either directly or through another device (such as a comb, hat, furniture and or bedding). Myth: I should use a pesticide on every surface of my house if my child has lice. Truth: Off of [...]


Some FAQ’s About Lice

Can Wigs or Hairpieces spread lice? According to experts, lice and the eggs(nits) soon perish if separated from their human host. The adult lice can only live about a day or so off of a human head without feeding. The nits (eggs) generally die within a week of being away from their host and cannot [...]


The life cycle of head lice

Head lice have 3 stages: the nit, the nymph, and the adult lice. From egg, until the end of the life cycle of the lice is approximately a total of 30 days. Nits are the eggs of the head lice and are laid on the hair shaft. They are laid by the female adult louse. [...]


What are lice?

Head lice are very small,contagious parasitic insects that are about the size of a sesame seed and live on the human scalp. They move by crawling and are brownish, tan or gray in color. They can spread quickly from person to person in group settings. So, items like sharing clothing, bed linens, combs, hats help [...]

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