Some may say the guidelines for head lice are pretty “lousy”

  On April 27, 2015 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released an update to their policy for the treatment of head lice online (to be published in their May 2015 publication). One might say, it has got the media and others a little "bugged" out. According to the National Pediculosis Association (NPA), chasing lice [...]


National Head Lice Prevention Month

  September is here and yes, you know what that means! It is the start of National Head Lice Prevention Month. While school is back in session, the head lice are back in full force as well and happily invading our children's heads and making their new claims on new homes. The National Pediculosis Association [...]


“The Deceptive Dozen”: The National Pediculosis Association Offers 12 Important Tips to Help Parents Avoid Misleading Information on Head Lice Twelve of the most commonly made statements about head lice that mislead parents, require fact-checking and put child health and wellness at unnecessary risk.

Below is a press release just released today by the National Pediculosis Association (National Head Lice Association) targeted to help parents avoid misleading information on Head Lice: "The reward is an environment of mutual assurance that everyone is doing the best that they can for the health of their children and their community."   Boston, [...]


The “No-Nit Policy” And All It’s Buzz

You may have heard recently in the news that many schools all over the country, including here in Montgomery County, as well as the surrounding counties, are abandoning the "no-nit" policy. Basically, this means, that children  are allowed to come back to school once they have been treated for lice, although they may have a [...]


The Childcare Provider’s Guide to Controlling Lice

Head Lice, otherwise known as Pediculus Humanus Capitis. A rather large word for a creature that is so small. So small, yet so large among us. So large and so common, that there is an association named for it. The National Pediculosis Association (NPA) is a wonderful group that I have come to rely on [...]


Sleepovers….To Do or Not to Do? That is the question!

If you have school aged children, then you are probably very familiar with lice and it's ever so popular presence! These critters, though they do not pose any threat or disease, are just a plain nuisance and cause much stress for most families. The even bigger stress seems to come when it involves your child [...]


September is Lice Prevention Month and why no chemicals?

Some of you may have a seen a recent article about other services who prefer to use Rid to treat Lice. If you prefer to not use chemicals and pesticides on your children, then that is probably why you are here. However, if all else fails, and the problem persists, there are severe cases where [...]


“Super Lice” and why are they so resistant?

The National Pediculosis Association (NPA) receives phone calls everyday from parents just like yourself as well as other health professionals reporting product treatment failure..many reports of families using various products on the market and finding them not to have worked...only to find the lice still living and crawling about on their children's heads. Quite often, [...]

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