Help! The Super-Mutant Lice Are Coming!!!!!!

  The issue of so-called "super lice" has recently been dominating the headlines. People have been writing about the critters being resistant to the over the counter products and prescriptions and only responding to certain prescriptions. Well folks...this is nothing new. This is old news. We have been saying this for years. Things have become [...]


Some may say the guidelines for head lice are pretty “lousy”

  On April 27, 2015 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released an update to their policy for the treatment of head lice online (to be published in their May 2015 publication). One might say, it has got the media and others a little "bugged" out. According to the National Pediculosis Association (NPA), chasing lice [...]


“It’s Just In Your Head…”

  You get the call and it you have confirmed it for yourself. Yes, it is now your families' turn. Your turn for what you may ask? Lice, yes it is true, the time has come to experience lice. We tell our clients it is a right of passage of parenting. Your children are bound [...]


Nothin’ Better Than a Comb!

There are numerous products available to us today both over-the-counter and by prescription that claim to kill head lice and /or to kill the nits. The truth is,  none of them are 100% effective. This results in parents using too much of the chemical treatments or using the chemical treatments too often. That is why [...]


Summer Camp and Lice Treatment Policies

  The school year is over-Hooray! Summer is here! The time for fun, relaxation and for a lot of kids, this means time for summer camp. Summer camps are committed to the well being and safety of all members in their camp community. Over the past several years, camps across the region have seen a [...]


Do I need a prescription? Hmm…that is a good question.

When parents call me due to their children having lice, I am bombarded with questions. They want to know what to do first, what to use, what not to use, what to do with the house, the clothes, when they can get an appointment and....should they contact their pediatrician or doctor to get a prescription [...]

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