You Can Help Make Sleep Away Camp Lice-Free

**this blog was originally published in the blog Katie's Corner.... Make Sleep Away Camp Lice-Free By Lauren Salzberg, Potomac Lice Lady “WARNING: Reading this may “bug” you out a bit and you may suddenly start to scratch your head” Ready for camp? Well….so are lice! Head lice do not get to take a summer vacation [...]


“The Deceptive Dozen”: The National Pediculosis Association Offers 12 Important Tips to Help Parents Avoid Misleading Information on Head Lice Twelve of the most commonly made statements about head lice that mislead parents, require fact-checking and put child health and wellness at unnecessary risk.

Below is a press release just released today by the National Pediculosis Association (National Head Lice Association) targeted to help parents avoid misleading information on Head Lice: "The reward is an environment of mutual assurance that everyone is doing the best that they can for the health of their children and their community."   Boston, [...]


Summer Camp and Lice Treatment Policies

  The school year is over-Hooray! Summer is here! The time for fun, relaxation and for a lot of kids, this means time for summer camp. Summer camps are committed to the well being and safety of all members in their camp community. Over the past several years, camps across the region have seen a [...]

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