There is nothing to be emabarrassed about if you or someone in your family has lice. Informing your community is probably one of the most important steps in getting rid of the lice and preventing further re-infestation. People are often very hesitant to tell others for the fear of isolation or embarrassment. However, if you have lice, you probably got if from someone that you know very well! Better yet, they may not even be aware that they have lice themselves.

If you do not inform those around you where you live, you are not allowing those people to take preventative measures themselves.  You are also not allowing them to rid of their lice before it is too late or becomes too far advanced. Then, they will wind up giving it back to you. If it were me, I would want to know if I or any of my children were exposed to lice so that I could begin checking and be prepared.

If you have lice, you SHOULD tell the teachers, the school nurse, anyone who has been in your home during the infestation, anyone’s home that your child has slept at while they have had lice, playmates that your child has been with, your work mates, as well as babysitters.

For the next twenty-one days, it is important that you be consistent about your treatment. The life cycle is about 21 days and life span is 30 days.  An adult louse lays an egg on day 1.  It will then hatch on or around day 8.  The nymph or baby louse becomes an adult on or around day 15 and then the adult begins to lay eggs on or around day 16.  Therefore, it is very important to keep treating you or your child for twenty one days in case an egg has been missed when combing because otherwise you will be re-infested all over again.

If there is a known outbreak of lice within your school or community, keeping up with daily and weekly head checks of your family and weekly combings can really help with prevention.

Remember, don’t let lice ruin your life or let nits make you go nuts.

All the best,

Lauren Salzberg

Potomac Lice Lady
