At Potomac Lice Lady, we receive tons of calls each and every day from frantic parents who have learned that their children contracted lice. Some display more anxiety than others and it is our job not only to help in eradicating the lice but to educate as well.
What most parents want to know when they call is what will be done when they come and see us, what is involved and if “they are done when they leave”. We always get a little chuckle in that because that is when the explaining comes in. Just like Rome was not built in a day, getting rid of lice is a process. It is process that we can do together, one that we are here to help you with.
While we at Potomac Lice Lady will educate you on the life cycle of lice and how to get rid of it properly, it is complete process that requires dual partnership; one between us and you. We will do the initial comb out and removal of active lice and nits (which can take hours) and explain what you need to do as maintenance until the recommended follow up. While we would like to say that we are perfect, we all know that is not true and there is always room for human error, and it is not uncommon to find a few nits in the next day or so. That is why we explain the proper combing process and what you need to do so as to break the life cycle should a few nits be left behind. What you do want to see is a decrease in what you are finding.
Once the initial combing out of lice and nits are done and all is explained, you should not feel as overwhelmed and as if you are ready to pull the hair out of your head. If you keep a clear mind and remember that good ol’ saying that Rome was not built in a day, we always tell our clients, you will get through it and we are always here to help 🙂
And remember, we are just a phone call away!
Potomac Lice Lady