If you have school aged children, then you are probably very familiar with lice and it’s ever so popular presence! These critters, though they do not pose any threat or disease, are just a plain nuisance and cause much stress for most families. The even bigger stress seems to come when it involves your child and being around someone who either has had lice recently or has recently been exposed to lice. Many parents feel trapped between a rock and a hard place. They want to please their children and let them play; yet, they do not want to let their children be around these other children in fear that they themselves will pick up the lice.

The biggest threat comes when a sleepover is involved. Most parents are even more hesitant to send their child on a sleepover if there has been a known case of lice because this is when the most exposure can occur. With lots of children sleeping close together for so many hours, there is a much greater risk of the lice going from one head to another head. However, we do not need to keep our children in a bubble.

The best advice is to let your children go on the sleepover. Let them have fun. The best job that you as the parent can do is to check their heads right when they get home. By purchasing a really good lice comb, such as the Licemeister Comb, which is approved by the National Pediculosis Association, you will be able to catch the little critters before an infestation can start to occur. If you find nothing the day after the sleepover, comb through their hair for a few more days after, and just keep checking. If every parent checked their children’s heads weekly, infestations would be less likely and you would catch the bugs early on before they had a chance to make your child’s head a nice new home.

Education and awareness is your best defense on lice. Communication is key. If your child has lice, tell the others around you so that those parents can check their children’s heads. If everyone does their part, fighting these little critters can be much easier. And, as always, when in doubt, don’t hesitate to call the Potomac Lice Lady- don’t let lice ruin your life!

All the best,

Lauren Salzberg

Potomac Lice Lady


