On April 27, 2015 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released an update to their policy for the treatment of head lice online (to be published in their May 2015 publication). One might say, it has got the media and others a little “bugged” out.
According to the National Pediculosis Association (NPA), chasing lice with chemicals continues to be a losing battle for all that are involved but the louse. The louse wins…all the time. He/she resists these chemicals and if you do not get them out, you still continue to have them. It is plain and simple.
The update released by the AAP does not really say anything new. Every 5 years, their recommendations will expire so they have to release an update to make their statements valid. The AAP has stated a policy that basically denies the value of nit removal. They are failing to realize that it is the removing of the nits that is THE most important task in the eradication process.
According to the NPA, it is about taking every opportunity to protect the children from risky pesticides which are falsely recommended as safe. We can not just simply jump to quickly treating with OTC pesticides and then freely writing prescriptions with heavy duty pesticides and chemicals in them. The children need to have a proactive health policy , the NPA says. What they do not need is an attendance policy.
What we have to focus on is this: NO Nits, No Lice, No Chemicals, and No Excuses!
As always, if you have concerns, questions, or need us, you know where to find us!
Have a de-liceful day,
aka “Potomac Lice Lady”